Research Background
In today’s modern culture, almost every aspect of our lives is dictated by politics, even if you aren’t involved with them.
From climate change to civil rights, our world is shaped by the legislature and the representatives and officials we elect to create them. One of the most effective ways to have an impact on that legislature is to get involved with politics themselves. This process can be overwhelming and seem fruitless, but citizen involvement really does make a difference.
This project began with a combined interest in sustainability. As we began to conduct interviews and secondary research, a key insight developed: that in order to truly make an impact on sustainability, one should be involved in politics, but the politics surrounding many issues is polarized, confusing, and uninformative. From there, we began working on Politics of Living, researching major politics issues (Climate Change, Civil Rights, Business + Economy, Law & Punishment, Healthcare, and Education), the legislature surrounding them, & the ways to influence that legislation.